Shime Shime (しめしめ)

Jul 9, 2017 15:39
What kind of terms do you say when something go as planned and you rejoice at it secretly.

In such a case, you can say "shime shime" (しめしめ) in Japan.

"Shime shime" is a term made by overlapping the Japanese verb, "shimeru" (占める), which means to occupy something.

For example, it is used like "shime shime, umakuittazo" (しめしめ、うまくいったぞ), which means just something like "Thank God, my plan is working."

Actually, I often heard this term especially in manga, but recently it may not have been used very much.





No. 1 friendfromfaraway's correction
  • What kind of terms do you say when something go as planned and you rejoice at it secretly.
  • What kind of terms do you say when something goes as planned and you secretly rejoice about it? secretly.
  • In such a case, you can say "shime shime" (しめしめ) in Japan.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Shime shime" is a term made by overlapping the Japanese verb, "shimeru" (占める), which means to occupy something.
  • "Shime shime" is a term made by overlaeppeating the Japanese verb, "shimeru" (占める), which means to occupy something.
  • For example, it is used like "shime shime, umakuittazo" (しめしめ、うまくいったぞ), which means just something like "Thank God, my plan is working."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Actually, I often heard this term especially in manga, but recently it may not have been used very much.
  • Actually, I've often heard this term used especially in manga, but recently it may not have been used very much.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
No. 2 クライド's correction
  • What kind of terms do you say when something go as planned and you rejoice at it secretly.
  • What do you say when something goes as planned and you want to secretly celebrate?

Thank you for the new word, kanotown! :D
Thank you very much always for correcting my post, クライド-san! :)